Serving Iowans

The Iowa Flood Center (IFC) puts science-based information and technology in the hands of Iowa's decision-makers, emergency responders, community leaders, home and business owners, educators, and the public. IFC researchers, staff, and students strive to develop the most innovative tools and reliable information to improve Iowa's flood preparedness and resiliency. 

stream sensor in action

Flood Monitoring

Nearly 300 stream-stage sensors designed, built, and deployed by IFC measure river levels every 15 minutes, improving flood monitoring and forecasting. Hydrologic weather stations improve flood- and drought- prediction capabilities.

flood inundation maps for Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Flood Mapping

High-resolution statewide flood maps for every Iowa stream, along with scenario-based flood inundation maps, keep individuals and communities safe and informed—protecting lives, property, and critical infrastructure. 

farm pond

Flood Mitigation

IFC staff and researchers provide leadership and technical expertise that supports collaborations with local, state, and federal partners to develop and implement watershed-based strategies to mitigate flood damage and increase resilience. 

watershed model demonstration

Education and Outreach

The IFC participates in dozens of outreach activities each year and is dedicated to ensuring its resources are easily accessible and tailored for diverse audiences. IFC support for undergrad and grad students is developing Iowa's future workforce. 

Iowa Flood Information System

IFIS is a free, Google Maps-based web platform that communicates real-time information about stream levels, flood alerts and forecasts, and hydrologic conditions for the entire state of Iowa.

Sam Hermite

"Iowa really knows...They've modeled and mapped the state, they have great data and visualization tools, and they have really effective outreach and communication. To really have a complete flood approach, you have to do all of those things."

Assistant Deputy Executive Administrator of Water Science & Conservation for the Texas Water Development Board

News & Features


March Flood Awareness Month

Wednesday, March 5, 2025
The National Weather Service is currently predicting low flood risk heading into spring, though last summer’s catastrophic flooding in Northwest Iowa amidst a drought is a reminder how quickly conditions can change. New research shows that Iowa has become a hotspot for flash flooding, and it’s important for communities, decision-makers, and the public to know their flood risks to reduce impacts. 
Corn plants stretching as far as you can see on the left, and soybeans going just as far on the right

How Relay Crops Reduce Floods And Boost Farm Profits

Monday, February 24, 2025
Flooding and water quality degradation are significant challenges in Iowa's agricultural watersheds, driven by intensive farming practices and increasingly extreme weather events. Relay cropping, a regenerative farming practice, offers a solution by keeping soil covered and living roots in the ground year-round to reduce runoff and improve soil health.


IFC Legislative Breakfast promotional image

IFC Legislative Breakfast

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 7:00am to 9:00am
Iowa State Capital Building
The Iowa Flood Center and Iowa Geological Survey students, staff, and researchers will host their annual legislative breakfast reception on Tuesday, March 11 from 7-9 a.m. at the Iowa State Capitol building in the first-floor rotunda. Legislators and partners are invited to attend a light breakfast and visit with IFC and IGS experts about innovative projects providing a direct benefit to help Iowans understand their water resource challenges.
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