
The outside of the University of Iowa Flood center

Climate change-driven ‘Midwest water hose’ caused massive 2019 flooding in Iowa, elsewhere, UI researchers find

Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Flooding that burst through levees, swamped farms and inundated homes and businesses in cities and towns across Iowa, Nebraska and other Midwestern states two years ago is part of a climate change-driven weather phenomenon that scientist say is happening more frequently.
Screen shot of article header

AI @ IA: Five ways artificial intelligence powers discovery at Iowa

Sunday, February 28, 2021
From forecasting floods to fighting cancer, Iowa researchers are deploying AI to tackle some of society's biggest issues.
Portrait of Witold Krajewski

Krajewski elected to the National Academy of Engineering

Wednesday, February 10, 2021
University of Iowa Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Iowa Flood Center (IFC) Director Witold Krajewski has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), one of the highest honors conferred in the field of engineering.
Portrait of Larry Weber

Anatomy of a flood

Monday, February 1, 2021
Photo of icy Iowa River and Stanley Hydraulics Lab

The Iowa Flood Center: Preparing Iowans for increased flood risk

Monday, February 1, 2021
According to a new national report, nearly 70% more U.S. properties may be at substantial risk of flooding than previously identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Mississippi River flooding in Winfield, Missouri

Water quality, flooding mean low grade for major watershed

Tuesday, December 8, 2020
A group developed to help improve management of the Mississippi River Watershed has issued it a disappointing report card, and says urgent action and billions of dollars are required to address flooding and water quality concerns in the nation’s largest rivers.
Aerial photo of flooding at the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers

Big Sioux River Flood Information System, based on IFC’s Flood Information System, receives Honor Award for Engineering Excellence

Wednesday, December 2, 2020
The South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is excited to announce its Big Sioux River Flood Information System (BSRFIS) received an Honor Award in the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Engineering Excellence Awards competition.
Photo of Chuck Isenhart

Isenhart: Dubuque County makes ambitious moves to tackle water quality

Monday, November 9, 2020
Dubuque County is “jumping in the deep end” in an ambitious venture to manage our surface waters and clean our rivers and streams.
Flood waters surround a home

FEMA flood maps miss risk to millions of homes

Wednesday, July 1, 2020
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has undercounted nearly 8 million homes and businesses that face substantial risk of flooding, placing more Americans in jeopardy from coastal storms, rising rivers and flash flooding, according to a new analysis from the nonprofit First Street Foundation.
Two people ride bikes in flood water

Millions of homeowners who need flood insurance don’t know it — thanks to FEMA

Tuesday, June 30, 2020
It is FEMA’s job to warn homeowners about major flood risks, but its approach is notoriously limited. In Cook County alone, researchers found about six times as many properties in danger as FEMA estimated.