
We Are Iowa Strong
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Undoubtedly, the spread of the coronavirus has impacted your life in some way. These are unprecedented times with significant uncertainties ahead.

Iowa Flood Center discusses future plans, preparing for potential flood risks
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Staff at the Iowa Flood Center in Iowa City say they are preparing for potential flood risks later this year.

Iowa Flood Center updates flood risk for Midwest
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Experts from the Iowa Flood Center at the University of Iowa are seeing an increased risk for flooding along the Mississippi river but will have to wait to gauge definitive risk for Iowa.

Wisconsin Climate Change Task Force hears urgency of local flood concerns
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Officials from southwest Wisconsin and Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes attended a meeting of the Monroe County Climate Change Task Force on Wednesday, Feb. 12. Barnes, who leads the Wisconsin Climate Change Task Force, was there to learn about the local effort, and to discuss the plans of the state task force.
Iowa’s spring flooding outlook ‘not so good’
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Dealing with ice and snow may be more immediate concerns for Iowans, but Witold Krajewski says it's not too soon to be thinking about sandbags and temporary flood barriers.
How one Iowa city is planning for a rising Mississippi River
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Climate change is contributing to more severe flooding in communities along the Mississippi River. In 2019, the Mississippi crested at its highest-ever recorded level in Davenport, Iowa, causing widespread damage in the city's downtown and reigniting a debate about how it should protect itself. NewsHour Weekend's Christopher Booker reports as part of our climate change series, "Peril & Promise."

Bracing for more flooding in Lone Star state, Texans visit Iowa Flood Center for ideas
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
In at least one respect, the floods that ravaged Iowa in 2008 are similar to the floodwaters that ravaged coastal Texas cities after Hurricane Harvey roared through in 2017. The natural disasters left both states grappling with how to rebuild and prepare for the next massive flood event.

As Texas looks to get flood prepared, Iowa Flood Center lends them expertise
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Cities across the U.S. have seen unprecedented rainfall and flooding over the last several years, one of the most hard-hit communities in the state of Texas.

Iowa Flood Center shares flood mitigation ideas with Texas state and federal agencies
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Around 30 delegates from state and federal agencies in Texas are spending their week at the Iowa Flood Center in Iowa City, learning how to protect their communities back home from devastating floods.

Texas state officials learning about flood protection from Iowa Flood Center
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
A delegation of Texas state officials visited the Iowa flood Center to learn more about ways to protect their state and apply some of the unique and innovative measures invented at the University of Iowa.