
New data reveals hidden flood risk across America
Monday, June 29, 2020
Across much of the United States, the flood risk is far greater than government estimates show, new calculations suggest, exposing millions of people to a hidden threat — and one that will only grow as climate change worsens.

Sermet selected as a recipient for the Iowa Water Center’s Research Grant Competition
Monday, June 29, 2020
The Iowa Water Center (IWC) annually administers a statewide grant competition known as the IWC Graduate Student Research Competition.

Iowa Flood Center releases new community flood prediction maps
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Researchers with the Iowa Flood Center at the University of Iowa are releasing new community flood maps following recent rain across the state.

Over 30 new Iowa Flood Center stream sensors installed
Friday, June 19, 2020
The Iowa Flood Center (IFC) at the University of Iowa has installed over 30 new stream sensors this spring to help communities be better prepared when water levels begin to rise. The new stream sensors help fill identified flood monitoring and forecasting gaps, providing river level information for informed decision making.

New Mississippi River flood maps
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
The Iowa Flood Center (IFC) at the University of Iowa has recently developed scenario-based flood inundation maps for the Mississippi River, stretching from Lock and Dam No. 11 in Dubuque to Lock and Dam No. 19 in Keokuk.

Missouri has plan to develop flood monitoring system
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Inspired by neighboring Iowa's flood-monitoring system, a Missouri group tasked with giving recommendations on building flood resiliency to the governor by the end of the month heard a presentation Wednesday on how the state could develop a similar system.

Spring flooding and COVID-19 collide in the Midwest: Challenges and considerations for local governments
Monday, April 27, 2020
As spring flooding threatens cities across the Midwest, local government leaders on the frontlines of COVID-19 prepare for a “dual disaster” response.

Upper Mississippi tops endangered-rivers list
Thursday, April 16, 2020
As Iowa and other states brace for more flooding this spring along the Upper Mississippi River, a new report highlights the continued threat facing the waterway.

We Are Iowa Strong
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Undoubtedly, the spread of the coronavirus has impacted your life in some way. These are unprecedented times with significant uncertainties ahead.

Iowa Flood Center discusses future plans, preparing for potential flood risks
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Staff at the Iowa Flood Center in Iowa City say they are preparing for potential flood risks later this year.